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Pražský Tyrannus Hall — Učednická služba studentům aneb adoptuj si svého studenta

Převzato z časopisu Brána.

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V Tyrannus Hall v Praze je kolejní život učednickým společenstvím

Převzato z Křesť (originální článek již neexistuje).

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Pražský Tyrannus Hall - od teorie k praxi

Převzato z Časopis Církve bratrské (archiv).

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History of the Czech Tyrannus Hall

The Czech Republic, with a population of 10 million, is situated in the heart of Central Europe. While it has a rich Christian history, 40 years of communism effectively wiped faith in God from the current generation. In 2002, the United Nations issued a report listing the Czech Republic as the 2nd most atheistic country in the world. Yet deep down many are searching for meaning. The communists left another legacy: a crippled church with few trained pastors and weak lay leadership. Though a committed remnant persevered; the church remains for most Czechs an archaic and irrelevant institution. There is a great need for young, bright, national Christians to penetrate the church and society at every level with the relevant message of the living Lord.

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Give us a 'Cornelius'

Some people would have called our trip foolhardy. But I kept telling myself we were acting on faith.

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Tyrannus Hall Journey

Today in Tokyo we celebrate with you the goodness and faithfulness of God to the Brethren Church. Familiar faces come to mind. I see Karel Taschner welcoming unknown Christian brothers from the West 10 years ago. That simple act of charity started us all down an untravelled road. Then appear Pavel and Míla Štifter with František, working on logistics for the journey. When we began to falter, up steps Pavel Černý to keep us on track. Wondering what we would do at the end of the journey when the very reason of the journey must be translated into action, Tomáš Grulich comes into view. Of course, walking with you from the outset are seven members of the Olsen family. While supporting and encouraging you, they beckoned us to join that small band. You can see some of them sitting near you today.

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History of THs by Charles Corwin

Excerpt taken from a talk given at the South Asia Tyrannus Halls Conclave.

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